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Product Name:Language Translation Service

Product outlineMamat Electronics (Science and Technology) Changzhou Co., Ltd. aims at

235013-140216094I696.jpgClassification of Translation Products

Product type

Translation between English and Foreign Languages Translation between Chinese and Foreign Countries

Foreign type

Domestic Expert Type

Mother tongue proofreading

Domestic Expert Type
Domestic common type Summary type
Academic Research Publicity and publication Business/Technology

Quality standard

It conforms to the local language and language habits, expresses the original information completely, accurately and concisely, and makes the target language have the same charm as the source language. Language refinement, logical clarity, complete and accurate expression of the original information, in line with the target language and language specifications, terminology in line with industry, professional standards. The target language has the same charm as the source language by expressing the original information completely, accurately and concisely in the local language and language habits. The language is incisively and logically clear, and it is rewritten according to the meaning of the original manuscript, which fully embodies the essence and actual content of the original information. It conforms to the habit of academic terminology, expresses the original information completely, accurately and concisely, has strict language, strong logic and unified terminology. Language refinement, through creative thinking, vivid and vivid expression of the original meaning, customized layout according to customers, unified terminology. Language fluency, clear logic, can accurately express the original information, in line with the target language and text norms, unified terminology. Being faithful to the original text and without missing translation of sentences, it basically reflects the content of the original text, lacking in language expression and professionalism.
It can convey the general information of the original text, and the translation can reflect the meaning of the original text. It lacks professionalism and accuracy.

Operational instructions

Foreign interpreter translation, foreign proofreader Domestic Expert Translation, +Domestic Expert Revision Revision of mother tongue interpreters Expert Translation + Expert Revision + Simulated Customer Inspection Advanced Translation+Expert Revision-Simulated Customer Inspection

Advanced Translation + Expert Revision + Simulated Customer Inspection

senior translator

Translation + Revision

Intermediate Interpreter

Translation + Read-through

Intermediate Interpreter


Use Purpose Coefficient

(Quality Requirement Coefficient)

1 0.75 1 1 1 1 0.75 0.5 0.25
Data type Especially important documents Business Technology Type of Translation with Chinese and Foreign Countries Language Requirements Authentic Documents Literary periodicals, magazines, classical Chinese, poetry, national culture, advertising words, classical books, speeches, etc. Academic papers, scientific and technological research reports, academic achievements reports, special research materials, patents, legal documents, contracts, etc. Website text, introduction, general books, picture albums, brochures, printed matter, etc. Various reports, management manuals, tenders, planning schemes, various standards, product specifications, maintenance operation manuals, general contracts, etc. General materials, tenders, internal exchange of information Summary of information on content
Purpose of translation use Foreign exchanges or publications Business Technology Type of Translation with Chinese and Foreign Countries External publicity Used as an official document, legal instrument or publication manuscript
Use as general documents and materials Use as a reference Reading as a content summary


1. Customers choose the corresponding product type to place orders according to the data type and use.

2. The comprehensive error rate of the translated version is calculated according to the purpose coefficient of the single product type.

3. The calculation method of comprehensive error rate of translation is based on the formula of national standard GB/T 19682-2005.